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Plans & Reports

AOASCC Area Plan

Congress passed the Older Americans Act (OAA) in 1965 in response to concern by policymakers about a lack of community social services for older persons. Although older individuals may receive services under many other federal programs, today the OAA is considered to be the major vehicle for the organization and delivery of social and nutrition services to this group and their caregivers.

OAA funding is disseminated by the federal Administration for Community Living to State Units on Aging and regional Area Agencies on Aging. Through this aging network, over 10 million individuals are served through OAA services nation-wide, including about 85,000 Connecticut residents. For more information click here or visit the ACL website.

Periodically, each regional Agency on Aging is required to submit plans to their State Unit on Aging, identifying goals for service delivery that reflect the priorities of the Older Americans Act. The current Area Plan covers the period from October 2021 through September 2024.

Strategic Plan

A strategic plan is a document that outlines what values are guiding the organization and based on these values what actions will be taken.

AOASCC'S Guiding Principles

  • Care: We support one another in ensuring that each older adult has the experience of care that inspires lifelong dignity and independence.
  • Passionate expertise: We are energized by learning and by bringing our knowledge to each situation and decision.
  • Quality service: We strive for excellence in the service we provide to our clients and one another, and we seek to improve in some way each day.
  • Inclusion and collaboration: We commit to honor differences as we build partnerships and community.
  • Stewardship: We recognize the significance of our work and the resources entrusted to us and hold them in the greatest trust.
  • Leadership: We will lead the way as experts and advocates in aging services.

AOASCC'S Goal Areas

  1. Program development
    We will have programs that meet the changing needs of our populations and/or enhance the sustainability of the agency.
  2. Human resources
    We will have an inspired, fulfilled, engaged, and accountable workforce able to meet our goals.
  3. Diversity, equity, inclusion
    We will have a culture and practices that foster inclusive, equitable relationships among our staff, volunteers, clients, board, and other stakeholders.
  4. Revenue generation
    We will ensure a diverse stream of funding that supports the achievement of our goals.
  5. Visibility and advocacy
    We will be known throughout the region as a leading expert and resource in all matters of aging.
  6. Data and technology
    We will have technology and data that allow us to continually improve our operations and enhance our staff, client, and volunteer experience.
  7. Board engagement
    We will have a broadly skilled, engaged, visible, and effective board.