An Overview of Our Accomplishments
Here are some of the ways AOASCC impacts lives!
Support to Live at Home
- 3,370 older adults and individuals with disabilities were able to remain at home through care management or self-directed services.
- 7,954 callers received information about community resources and benefit programs.
- 13,252 people received education to support their independence in the community, in-person or through written material.
- 3,594 individuals received nutrition support through benefit and community programs.
Caring for Loved Ones
- 3,290 family caregivers were assisted with information about community resources and benefits, provided with respite care, or received training.
- 137 family caregivers attended a national conference sponsored by AOASCC.
Staying Active & Healthy
- 243 works by 74 artists were displayed at our 10th annual Art of Aging Exhibition.
- 342 volunteers served in the community through AOASCC programs.
Support for Professionals
- 254 individuals were provided education regarding elder abuse and fraud through the annual conference TEARS™.