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In-Home Services for Older Adults

Most individuals prefer to stay in their own home for as long as possible. Help is available, whether you have a short-term need after a hospital stay, need ongoing support, or require assistance to return to your home after an extended stay in a long-term care facility.

Help at Home

Assistance is available to help you maintain your independence living safely at home. An individualized plan might include: care management, home health services, meal preparation, home-delivered meals, companion services, homemaking, assisted living services, personal care attendant services, or attendance at an adult day center.

Through the Connecticut Home Care Program, services may be available at no cost or for a modest fee for individuals needing assistance with daily living activities. For more information and how to apply for CHC, visit the state website.

Assistance for Veterans

Veteran-Directed Home and Community Based Services gives veterans of all ages the opportunity to receive the home and community-based services they need in a consumer-directed manner.

Veteran-Directed Care is for veterans who need assistance with activities of daily living (e.g., bathing and getting dressed) and/or instrumental activities of daily living (e.g., fixing meals and taking medicines).

Veterans served by this program are able to hire their own caregiver to assist with daily living activities (called a personal care assistant). Veterans receive the support of a service broker to assist them in assessing their needs and accessing these services.

Services are accessed through the Veterans' Administration, Care Management Department.

Assistance Returning to the Community from a Long-Term Care Facility

Money Follows the Person is a federal demonstration program that helps Medicaid-eligible individuals currently living in long-term care facilities – such as nursing homes, hospitals, and other qualified institutions – successfully transition back into the community.

Based on individual needs, MFP provides the funds, services and support you need for a successful transition into the community. In addition to returning to your own home, housing options include apartments, assisted living, congregate living and group homes.

AOASCC Specialized Care Managers work with you to assess your situation and work with you to develop a plan for returning to the community. If eligible, they will assist you in accessing programs that can provide care management and home care services. Housing Coordinators and Transition coordinators provide one-to-one assistance with community supports, system navigation, accessing resources and living arrangements.