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Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP)

The Medicare Summary Notice (MSN), which provides information on Original Medicare claims, is one of the key tools that the SMP program uses for catching fraud, errors, and abuse. Reviewing and understanding MSNs is crucial for both Medicare beneficiaries and for SMPs. This tutorial reviews the basics of how to read your MSN.

Tips to Protect Yourself


The Big 3 Warning Signs of a Scam
There are generally 3 things that can warn you a call is a scam: the call was unsolicited, the caller asks you to confirm personal information, or the caller asks you to make a payment over the phone.  Medicare and other federal agencies will not contact you like this. If you get a call with any of these warning signs, hang up & report it!

Guard your Medicare card like it’s a credit card.

  • Medicare will never contact you for your Medicare Number or other personal information unless you’ve given them permission in advance.
  • Medicare will never call you to sell you anything.
  • You may get calls from people promising you things if you give them a Medicare Number. Don’t do it. 
  • Medicare will never visit you at your home.
  • Medicare can’t enroll you over the phone unless you called first.

Other Resources

We are your local SMP. If you think you have been a victim of fraud, contact us or call 1-800-994-9422 to be connected with the SMP program at your local agency on aging.

About SMP

Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) empowers and assists Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers to prevent, detect, and report health care fraud, errors and abuse through outreach, counseling and education. SMP volunteers have an important role to play in addressing healthcare fraud. Contact us if you think you've been scammed, or to volunteer.

Tip Sheet Learn More

As an Area Agency on Aging, AOASCC is required to make a report if we have reason to believe that one of our clients has been or is currently a victim of abuse, abandonment, neglect, and/or financial exploitation. We are committed to our role of helping to ensure that you or your loved one is safe from harm and abuse.