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How to Apply

Requests for Proposals are issued each December for the next fiscal year grant cycle starting October 1. Letters of Intent for FY 2026 are due January 17, 2025 by 4:00 pm.

Is My Organization Eligible for Funding?

All public agencies, private non-profit or proprietary incorporated agencies serving towns within the twenty towns of south central Connecticut are invited to apply for Title III funding.

Self-Evaluation Checklist

Grant Categories

Grants for programs providing in-home and community-based long-term care services are awarded in the following categories:

  • Supportive Services (Title IIIB): Examples include transportation, information & assistance, outreach, case management, homemaker or chore services, legal service, adult day centers
  • Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (Title IIID)
  • Family Caregiver Support (Title IIIE)

Local agencies on aging are required to award a fixed percentage of Title III funding to support priority areas that are established through the Older Americans Act, Connecticut’s State Plan on Aging, and the local AAA’s Area Plan. In addition, the OAA prioritizes services to older adults with the greatest economic and social needs.

For more information, see our Older Americans Act and Title III funding page.