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Community Providers Funded by AOASCC

The following agencies receive grants from AOASCC through Federal Older Americans Act funding to provide services for individuals 60 years of age or older.

Behavioral Health

BH Care, Inc.Cherish Program

Serving: Ansonia, Bethany, Branford, Derby, East Haven, Guilford, Hamden, Madison, Milford, New Haven, North Branford, North Haven, Orange, Oxford, Seymour, Shelton, West Haven, and Woodbridge

Elder abuse and neglect are a serious issue in communities throughout the country. The CHERISH (Caring Home for Elderly Receiving Insight, Safety and Support) program fights the problem of elder abuse. CHERISH provides domestic violence services tailored for the elderly, including safe shelter services at assisted living facilities.

Bridges Healthcare Inc.Case Management for Older Populations

Serving: Milford, Orange, and West Haven

Bridges is a private, non-profit behavioral health agency that provides services for clients at multiple sites (including senior centers). Bridges is a CT designated Local Mental Health Authority (LMHA) and an Enhanced Care Clinic by the Connecticut Behavioral Health Partnership. They provide services that are person-centered, dynamic and recovery-oriented to empower individuals through education and advocacy to lead healthy, meaningful and productive lives.

Fellowship Place, Inc.

Serving: New Haven, Bethany, Hamden and Woodbridge

Hopes teaches older adults living with mental illness skills to manage their mental illness and the mental challenges associated with aging.

In-Home Services

Community Health Center, Inc.Mericare Senior Dental Program

Serving: Ansonia, Bethany, Branford, Derby, East Haven, Guilford, Hamden, Madison, Meriden, Milford, New Haven, North Branford, North Haven, Orange, Oxford, Seymour, Shelton, Wallingford, West Haven, Woodbridge

CHCI utilizes Title III funding to ensure that the seniors in the communities it serves have access to high-quality dental care.

Griffin Health ServicesAge Well Program

Serving: Shelton, Ansonia, Derby, and Seymour

Griffin’s Health Outreach Department provides seniors in the valley region with monthly educational programming, blood pressure screening and an opportunity to socialize.

Monitor My HealthHealthy Senior

Serving: East Haven, North Haven, New Haven, and West Haven

Makes the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) accessible to low-income residents who have or are at risk for prediabetes. Increases the number of at-risk residents of New Haven County who participate in the DPP screening program.

TEAM, Inc.Adult Incontinence Products

Serving: Ansonia, Derby, Oxford, Seymour, Shelton

TEAM, Inc. will provide adult incontinence products to senior residents who require supplemental adult diapers, wipes and pads. The program is aimed at low-income, frail and minority elderly residents.

TEAM, Inc.Homemaking

Serving: Ansonia, Derby, Milford, Orange, Oxford, Seymour, Shelton, and Woodbridge

Services include light housekeeping, help with grocery shopping, laundry and running errands.

TEAM, Inc.Elderly Family Support Specialist

Serving: Ansonia, Derby, Milford, Orange, Oxford, Seymour, Shelton, and Woodbridge

TEAM, Inc intends to provide Elderly Support Specialist Services to seniors who require additional support in their home. The program is aimed at residents who require intensive, holistic case management to meet multiple needs and/or have vulnerability factors or increasing needs that may negatively impact their safety or welfare.

TEAM, Inc.Volunteer Caregivers

Serving: Ansonia, Derby, Oxford, Seymour, and Shelton

The Volunteer Caregivers program helps to provide services and support to frail elderly, especially minority and low-income residents, in an effort to enable them to remain independent in their own home environment by reducing risks of institutionalization. Volunteer Caregivers relies on community support and volunteers to provide basic free of charge services.

The Towers at Tower Lane/Towers FoundationHousecleaning for Seniors in Need

Serving: New Haven

Apartments are inspected twice a year. Seniors in need of major cleaning (e.g., appliances or clutter) are identified and services are provided to help clean.


Interfaith Volunteer Care Givers GNHIVCG Rides

Serving: Bethany, Branford, East Haven, Guilford, Hamden, Meriden, Milford, New Haven, North Branford, North Haven, Orange, Wallingford, West Haven, Woodbridge

IVCG provides transportation services for medical appointments Monday - Friday.

Mary WadeMedical Transportation Program

Serving: East Haven, Hamden, New Haven, North Haven, and West Haven

Mary Wade provides medical transportation to low-income, aging adults who are most in need of rides for medical and dental appointments because they are unable to afford either taxi or public transportation and/or are ineligible for the Connecticut Medicaid NON-EMERGENCY Medical Transportation (NEMT) program.

Mary WadeWeekend Transportation

Serving: Branford, East Haven, Hamden, New Haven, North Branford, North Haven, Wallingford, and West Haven

Weekend transportation includes one-way and round-trip transportation to social and family gatherings, religious services, shopping, barber/hair dressing appointments and other social activities which enhance the lives of older adults in our community who lack access to affordable and safe transportation.

TEAM, Inc.Medical Transportation

Serving: Ansonia, Derby, Seymour, Shelton

TEAM, Inc. provides medical transportation through a contract with the Valley Transit District (VTD). This specialized service provides curb-to-curb safe and affordable access to medical appointments/treatments and the pharmacy for those without an alternate means of transportation.

Adult Day Centers

East Shore Regional Adult Day Center, Inc.DBA Orchard House Medical Adult Day

Serving: Branford, East Haven, Guilford, Hamden, New Haven, North Branford, North Haven, and West Haven

Programs offered by the Orchard House include medical services, transportation services, art therapy, music appreciation, support groups, book discussions, religious services, intergenerational programs with area schools, pet therapy, horticultural program, exercise, and arts & crafts, to name a few.

Mary WadeAdult Day Center

Serving: Branford, East Haven, Hamden, Milford, New Haven, North Haven, West Haven

The Mary Wade Adult Day Center (ADC) operates seven days a week and utilizes a medical model. ADC clients receive medical evaluation, monitoring and have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of recreational activities.

Senior Centers

Meriden Senior CenterMedical Transportation

Serving: Meriden and Wallingford

Meriden Senior Center provides provide an affordable option to meet the needs of senior citizens for transportation to medical appointments. The primary objective of the program is to meet the medical transportation needs of older people in Meriden and Wallingford.

Milford Senior CenterTherapeutic Services

Serving: Milford, Orange, and West Haven

The Ahrens Respite Program aims to provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals currently living with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia. The program offers an array of activities. This includes animal, art, and music therapy.


Connecticut Veteran Legal CenterRemoving Legal Barriers

Serving: Ansonia, Bethany, Branford, Derby, East Haven, Guilford, Hamden, Madison, Meriden, Milford, New Haven, North Branford, North Haven, Orange, Oxford, Seymour, Shelton, Wallingford, West Haven, Woodbridge

Connecticut Veterans Legal Center will provide free legal representation to veterans aged 60 and over who are income qualified (veterans who earn less than 150% of the federal poverty guideline).

New Haven Legal Assistance Association, Inc.

Serving: Ansonia, Bethany, Branford, Derby, East Haven, Guilford, Hamden, Madison, Meriden, Milford, New Haven, North Branford, North Haven, Orange, Oxford, Seymour, Shelton, Wallingford, West Haven, and Woodbridge

Provides legal representation to ensure elderly persons have equal access to the judicial process to remedy problems and disputes. Provides referrals to attorneys at no cost if the client is eligible for legal services, or at a reasonable cost, for those well above our normal income and asset guidelines.

Heath Prevention

Monitor My HealthCDSMP Diabetes Program

Serving: Branford, Guilford, Hamden, Meriden, Milford, New Haven, North Haven, and Orange

Provides diabetes self-management program to adults who have diabetes with a focus on low-income and minority groups. This program is recognized by The American Diabetes Association for helping adults with diabetes mitigate their risk of developing diabetes complications and reducing hospitalization rates.

Family Caregiver Support

Christian Tabernacle Baptist ChurchGrandparents Raising Grandchildren

Serving: Hamden, New Haven, West Haven, Woodbridge

Core services for relative caregivers include a monthly support group, educational programs, respite opportunities, information and referral, and occasional advocacy.