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More Than a Volunteer

I have attended various community events, fairs, and gatherings. Numerous individuals have expressed their interest in volunteering but feel they don't have enough time to give. I always remind them that a small commitment, even one hour a week, can make a significant impact on someone's life!

Volunteering for an RSVP program does not require much time, nor does it demand a long-term obligation. However, the gifts you receive from that experience last a lifetime.

Recently this picture was sent to me. Larry (on the left) is a United States Army Vietnam Veteran. Peter (on the right) is an RSVP volunteer who has served as both a friendly visitor, and a pen pal. Sadly, Larry passed away at the end of December, but Peter said he is so grateful for the chance to become friends with him, the following is what he wrote in Larry’s memorial guestbook.


I moved to Branford in 2014, and I started seeing you as a volunteer in 2015. Every Friday, we spent an hour together at your apartment, or occasionally at our condo or the beach. Our routine was almost always the same. You had so many interesting stories to tell about growing up on Grand Avenue in New Haven, family memories, jobs at the supermarket, the service, and a long time with the Post Office. Also, friends such as Bobby, with whom you shared some crazy times, and Charlie, the basketball ace. And there were the weekend drives with friends to Glen Island Casino in New Rochelle, for dancing and good times. I heard all these stories over and over and enjoyed them every time. I will miss them and miss you. You were a kind and gentle soul who served your country and all who knew you so well. Thank you for all you have given us.


If you would like more information about our volunteer programs and how to brighten the day of another, please contact Cheire Strucaly 203.752.3059 ext. 2907